We’re sorry to hear that you no longer wish to proceed with your order.
Depending on the status of your order, it may or may not be possible to cancel it and instead a return may be required rather than a cancellation.
If you have received confirmation that your order has already been shipped, then it will not be possible to cancel your order at this stage and your order will need to be returned in order to receive a refund. Once your order is in the hands of our carriers, we can attempt to ask the carrier to return the item back to us. If this isn’t possible, please accept the delivery and contact us to arrange a return.
If your order hasn’t yet been dispatched, we may be able to cancel it depending on where it is in the fulfilment process. We try to dispatch orders as quickly as possible and so we would recommend trying to get in touch as close to when you placed the order as you can. Please reach out to our team to discuss cancelling your order.